Asset Identification and Inventory


Asset tracking is important for companies to know what resources they have loaned out or are readily available to provide to other team members.

Types of Asset Identification

  • Software and licensing such as Microsoft Office, Windows Licensing Keys, or any Product Keys for vendor software which was purchase for the company that may not directly support enterprise licensing.
  • Physical Devices such as computers, laptops, routers, phones, key cards, security devices, etc.
  • Virtual Assets such as Cloud Virtual Machines, Networks, Databases, Storage, Software Services, Identity Management Services, etc.

Tagging and IDs

When tracking resources it’s great to provide a way to group them by some sort of tag or ID which can then be easily reported on and view higher level of information.

For example you may tag different laptops which may be useable by your software development team, but not necessarily for the Sales team as they may have different hardware requirements.


It’s important to develop Knowledge Base (KB) Articles for each type of product and its intended use and purposes. The article should contain screen shots as-well-as clear step-by-step guides on how to setup the product, how to repair it if necessary in the field, and how to decommission the product when done.